Move Your Business Intentions Into Reality

Do you sometimes wonder what's the point of setting intentions?
Some entrepreneurs set goals and intentions with joy; but
others sabotage their business success by subconsciously
waiting for their intentions to bomb. Which is it for you?

I've spent a lot of time creating vision boards, journaling,
writing success recipes - you name it. I would do it all with gusto
and secretly wonder, does this really matter? I mean, I've done
it for 30 days and, well, where's my millions?

Until now.

Now, let me share first my yearly wahoo! of celebrating my
birthday (April 21 - I love my birthday!). I always take
time to reflect (in a good way) over the past year, where
I've been, where I'm going - that kind of thing. I also
often go through some reflections and look back over various
journals, mementos and past intentions that I set. I
remember when I was doing this a couple years ago that I was
literally astounded as I read and looked at "my intentions"
from 2001. First, I was shocked at how much of it had
happened and second, I had to laugh at some of what I had
put my energy and focus on
... I had manifested
everything from long hair to starting my own business, to
getting married.

But just for giggles, let's take a look at the intention to
have long hair, shall we?

So back in 2001 I was having a tough time. You may have
heard me say this before, but I was very sad. I started a
new job with a major salary cut, was dumped by my boyfriend
(harshly) and my city underwent the largest on-soil
terrorist attack in U.S. history-all in the same week. The
months that followed were not pretty. As I looked over some
of the intentions I had created for myself that year, I
couldn't believe I listed in my top 5: grow my hair long.

How embarrassing!

Grow my hair long? Where was world peace? A healthy relationship?
Increasing my income? Oh, it was there, but as I reflected
on the results of that year, guess what I was successful at?
You guessed it-long hair.


Of course, you might be thinking growing long hair is no
where near as tough as starting a business. True, for some.
I personally had struggled for years with growing my hair.
And this is where the magic lies. I had so much else
going on that I didn't give my hair a second thought. It
just happened.

So as you create goals, make vision boards and use other
tools to get you closer to what you want, I invite you to
also be aware of what I've come to call your "back-stage
When I used to teach drama, I would stress to
my students how important the stage crew is.

They are vital. A show cannot powerfully function without a
stellar crew. However, all the audience sees is the
performance. And that's the way it should be, but if there
isn't synergistic support between back and on stage, you've
got a mess on your hands.

What's going on back stage for you?

I'm happy to report that I've learned to ask for much more
than long hair and continue to constantly partner my back
stage energy, and have watched my life and business
continue to blossom - including tripling my income, every
year for the past 3 years.

I'm so grateful for the magic I get to partake in every day
as I watch client after client really tap into the power
that is solely, uniquely them and turn it into business
profits that serve themselves and the greater whole which is
the world. It doesn't get any better than that.

But what's most amazing to me is to really experience the
immense growth in income when the focus is taken - off the
Now, this doesn't mean you shouldn't watch your
numbers or care about your business' financial success; I'm
just sharing the true magic I've seen when the energy is
directed primarily on "how can I serve in the highest way
possible" ... and then the opportunities flow in and the
bank account fills up. It's such a

Your EnergyRICH® Call To Action

Are you stopping your marketing before you get to the
"Call to Action" step?

Joyfully build this step into all your marketing and I
guarantee you will attract more clients, more easily.

Isn't it time you opened yourself up to change the way
you've been "doing business"?

Isn't it time you truly moved your business intentions into
reality? Join our FREE EnergyRICH® Teleclass on January 05,
2009 from 1-2:30pm Eastern/NY! 2009 is YOUR year to shine! This teleclass
gives you the most important energy management and marketing
tools you need to really break you through those blocks -
you know the same ones that have ALWAYS held you back. I
will share with you the power of partnering the inner and
outer approach to business every step of the way.
feel your energy shift right on this call! And get some
great practical business building "how to's" at the same
time! Register here:

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