THE Secret to Staying on Your Success Course - No Matter What!

EnergyPOOR Entrepreneurs believe their success is
primarily their own doing.
They believe in the self-made
person theory.

EnergyRICH® Entrepreneurs are aware that all good things
come from the spirit of love.
They know love is the
natural order of the Universe, and that ego and self-pride
have been created by man over time to cover a fragile
self-image. It is simply trying to protect you. But this
false-protection is also limiting your ability to grow,
shine and move beyond where you are.

So you give gratitude.

Your recognition of and gratitude for the power of love
creates more abundance in your business and life. This fuels
the fountain of potential.

What will clog this fountain is ego. What is ego? Ego
is the evil stepchild of fear. The best thing you can do is
lock the door when ego comes to town and only tune into the
energy of a spirit-based consciousness. Here’s how you
recognize the difference:

The Spirit is …

Devoid of pretension

The Ego is …

Fear driven
Afraid of risk

Now, the ego-mind will try to keep you struggling and

When you open your heart – this is when Spirit comes in.

This is a shift from “making decisions for yourself” to
merely asking to be guided. This allows you to follow a line
of service and the unfoldment of your highest good.

Each of us carries a guide within (your 7th Energy Point
located right above your head). You may sometimes be
reluctant to trust this guide when it comes to you because
you are so accustomed to taking your cues from the outside
rather than from the inside.

The truth of your own deepest being is trying to show you
where to go right now, and when low level energies appear
(fear, doubt, worry, judgment, blame, anxiety …) it
means you are being called to trust your divine guidance. It
speaks in whispers and this can cause you to hesitate not
knowing if you’ve heard correctly. But the indications are
always clear: in following your inner guide you will feel
more whole, more connected, as if you are moving outwards
from the very center of your being.

We’ve been taught, for the most part, to doubt this guide or
to believe that it is either one end answer or none at all.
The thing is, as you go with this guidance, you’ll begin to
see that it is often an unfolding of one-step-at-a-time. A
reminder that this is all we can ever do anyway.

When you awaken this guide, your life and business will
shower blessings and riches on you.
More than you could
ever conceive or, that’s right, make happen on your own.

Your EnergyRICH® Call To Action:

Ask yourself every couple of hours throughout your business
day, “Am I operating from ego or spirit?” AND "Which do I
CHOOSE to listen to?

Fear doesn't keep us safe; love does. If you're ready to
step up and into all that is divinely waiting for you in your
I invite you to join the elite and become a member
of the next EnergyRICH® Business Boot Camp. We'll have
you set up to create divine prosperity and freedom. I give you
every piece of the EnergyRICH® Entrepreneur Success
AND the steps you need to make it authentically,
naturally your own. Why struggle when you are meant to be
living the divine success of your dreams? Grab one of the
remaining 3 spots and enjoy an EARLY BIRD rate, too (ends
Friday 12/19)!

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