Do You Let Your Prospects Toe-Dip?

To every knew potential client your business is like a lake
on a nice summer day ... the idea seems like a good one,
but plunging in could be a shock to the system ...

This is why it's important to have a way for your potential
clients to dip their toe in the water of your business. From
this toe-dip experience then a prospect is often ready to
take the next step and engage further with you ...

You must understand that a prospect doesn't usually get very
interested, let alone excited, about using your services,
until they have a deeper sense of who you are and what you
can do for them.

Giving them a way to experience your business and an
exceptional toe-dip allows for this to happen.

So, what are some toe-dipper possibilities?

-audio recording
-in-person presentation
-executive briefing
-initial chat with you
--- and more

These are all ways for folks to get an experience with you
and to say, "Hey! This water isn't too bad. It actually
feels good. I can wade in a bit deeper ..."

Your toe-dipper provides that missing piece between their

interest and desire and then their full engagement with you
(sort of like dating before marriage, right?). Their flow
into the deeper water of your business is directly tied to
one, very important element:
an energetic connection!

Take a look again at that list of toe-dippers and you'll
notice that

the majority of them are interactive, rather than inactive.
They are deep; they are dynamic, not one-dimensional.
When a prospect has an authentic-energetic experience of
you, they are naturally drawn towards you and are more
willing to take the next step.

Once you develop your first toe-dipper, you can then create
a multi-toe-dipper process that includes more than one from
the list above (or other toe-dipping inspired ideas you
receive). Whether you have one way to toe-dip or many you
want this first experience with you to lead to an invitation
for them to connect with you directly.

And then you simply follow-up with those who feel called and
express interest in taking the next step to connect directly
with you!

In our next
EnergyRICH® Insider Secret Tip
we'll look at how to set things up so your potential
client's can find your toe-dipper to begin with.

Stay tuned!

EnergyRICH® Call to Action:

1. To get the best results from your marketing, you
need to create a process that allows your potential clients
to connect with you in a way that is easy-breezy and feels
good to them - allows them to dip their toe into the water
of your business.

2. Take a look at your business and ask: Where could
I most easily and quickly add my first (or next if you
already have one in place) toe-dipper? When you commit to
this path, you'll find connecting with potential clients a
whole lot easier and much more fun!

What can you do to easily create not only an effective
toe-dipper, but your whole marketing funnel flow?

Join the EnergyRICH® Business Boot Camp
and an amazing group of entrepreneurs who are ready to blow
the roof off of 2009. You'll stop playing small and be given
a proven step-by-step process that will have you powerfully
and profitably partnering with your high-paying ideal
clients. Only 1 SPOT LEFT so just grab yours, ok?

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